SP2000 EC / pH / titrations / turbidity / color / ISE Analysis (SKALAR)
Accurately controlling the quality of drinking water is very important.
The SP2000 robot offers water laboratories a complete “walk-away” concept. The typical parameters for water quality control such as dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, pH, conductivity, color (UV/VIS) including filtration, turbidity can be fully automated.
Original sample collection bottles can be placed directly on the robot, avoiding any need for manual sample transfer. An integrated barcode scanner reads the barcode on the sample collection bottle. The sample ID, including the parameters to be analyzed, become visible in the sample table. The SP2000 automatically starts the analysis on this sample according to the data shown in the sample table. The results are directly visible after analysis.
Depending on the application, calibration of the instrumentation can be performed automatically to ensure an accurate performance. Quality control checks and standards can be placed in between samples and probes can be re-calibrated automatically.